Body Built Sport
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Fueling Your Body for Peak Performance and Optimal Health

In order to perform at the top of your game, proper training is of vital importance.  Keep in mind, that while exercise moves the body, food actually fuels and makes the body run.  You have probably heard the analogy- You wouldn’t put poor quality fuel in an expensive sports car. Similarly,  our bodies need high quality  fuel for energy.  But our bodies are much different than cars.  Fuel or food, literally makes and remakes our bodies- as we grow, metabolize, tear down and rebuild our bodies on a daily, monthly and yearly basis.  Our bodies constantly generate new cells- and over several years, all our cells will be replaced with new ones.  So it is true- you are what you eat!

In order to achieve peak physical performance, you need high-octane fuel for peak energy and high quality fuel for building and maintaining your body.  High octane, refers to the amount of energy that can come from foods we eat.  Carbohydrates are important to create short term energy or fuel, while fats create a more sustained long term energy source.  If you are running a marathon, you need to refuel during the race to keep from pulling too much of your fat stores. Proteins work in the area of building and rebuilding. Protein intake post-workout has proven to be crucial for replenishing glycogen stores during post workout recovery.  So what are the best sources of these  high octane foods? How can we get more nutrient dense foods into our diets?

Make your diet rich in the following foods and avoid ALL processed and packaged foods.

High carb fruits:  cantaloupe, strawberries, mango and papaya

High Nutrient vegetables:  Fresh spinach, kale, broccoli, romaine lettuce, asparagus and cauliflower

High carb- (healthy) grains:   Quinoa, Amaranth, brown and wild rice, sprouted grain breads

High Protein foods:  nonfat yogurt,  fish, egg whites, low-fat cottage cheese, vegetarian burger

Sports Drinks:  Ultima, Kul Fuel

Snack/ energy bars:  Perfect Food bars,  LARA bars, Clif Luna bars, Pure Protein bars

Most importantly, DRINK WATER!  I recommend a minimum of 80-100/day and more if you are training intensely.

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